Monday, 8 February 2010

not kewl

chi dudes do the dew.

Latest pictures of the pups, originally uploaded by jthm4242.


Pannier Puppehs.

Puppies for Sale, originally uploaded by Twinkeling*.


Lets have some fun!, originally uploaded by baiaz.

self bum lookeh.

Paws 4 Thought, originally uploaded by silversven.

Just Thinkin'

Just Thinkin', originally uploaded by javcon117.

anteateh tude!

puppy, originally uploaded by shotaishii.


Day 11, originally uploaded by Pixel Spit.

wot iz this strange powdeh?

honden-0044, originally uploaded by Leontien Ultzen.

no fartehs

Day 14, originally uploaded by Pixel Spit.

om nom nom

Birdy's Kong, originally uploaded by servicedogsva.