Friday, 6 June 2008

Grass. Iz comfy.

Hangin in my new yard, originally uploaded by A Kamphuis.

Ur goin nowhere

Gimme that tail!, originally uploaded by maltoodle.

Nap time.

Kiva 03, originally uploaded by Maastrichian.

Coming to get you!

Coming to get you!, originally uploaded by maltoodle.

Puppeh vs Kitteh. Reluctant peace negochiachuns.

Rylee's pups 8 weeks, originally uploaded by Steel City Vizsla.

OMG Ai am fast!

Where am I going so fast?, originally uploaded by maltoodle.

Wai helloh.

Jack Rests, originally uploaded by naughtomaton.

Roadeh Puppeh sets up ur show.

David and Goliath

Barty Guarding Breeze from Ants, originally uploaded by Artydog.

u a'right?

Zoe Photoshoot, originally uploaded by chilie.


Pant, originally uploaded by muempress.

Ur on r turf

[x], originally uploaded by Yessi*.
