Sunday, 30 August 2009

PQ Puppeh poses for coveh

coolTilePBN_4250, originally uploaded by rhetoricru.

mai ride.

Windy Strider Week 2 063green, originally uploaded by Tundra Ice.


Overhill, originally uploaded by b3alie.


Rufus, originally uploaded by astridandkyle.

got it!

Hazel loves Frisbee! , originally uploaded by Buhnuh.

Parteh on.

, originally uploaded by David_Maggie.

Puppeh vs Kitteh: Kitteh has been aprehended.

Donut mak me angreh.

PICT1565, originally uploaded by The Workman Family.

Puppeh vs Kitteh: Kittehs outweigh puppeh

Cats outweigh the dog?, originally uploaded by Kreative Capture.

s'nose! summer wth!?!?

Uli Snowstorm 1, originally uploaded by Carrie Acosta.

Supeh puppeh comin in fur landin.

Hallo !!, originally uploaded by sarasculli.

Oh hai.

Uli 16 weeks 33, originally uploaded by Carrie Acosta.

wateh plz!

standing proud, originally uploaded by mouldkevin.

hand dat feedz pretteh tasteh akshully

Sammy teething, originally uploaded by Magebear.

2 many firez.

ai nowze

Riley 0987, originally uploaded by Liquid29.

Iz safe?

My little man Jake!, originally uploaded by edalvey.


Puppy, originally uploaded by Lindsmo.

skeptical puppeh doubts u r boss.

my new puppy Dott! :), originally uploaded by ~PareyAnn~.

makin a break

PICT3927, originally uploaded by thesoundandthefury.

oh hai.

schipperke1, originally uploaded by hluebner.

Passed out mid nomz.

ball of cute fusion. That's wot the puppeh iz 2day. hey hey.

engage cuteh beam

honestly, dog , originally uploaded by andrea (scout).


Puppies, originally uploaded by Team Salasana.